Wednesday 9 March 2016

Top Five Beach Body Surfer Exercises


Top Five Beach Body Surfer Exercises

Surfers have been fitness icons for a long time now. They are people who spend so much of their lives enjoying the hot sun in wet suits, which requires a high degree of fitness and a lot of body confidence. Surfers can introduce many people to great types of exercises. Some people might try these exercises and go on to become surfers themselves. Other people may simply enjoy being able to maintain a surfer’s body that much more easily.

Walking Lunge

People start this exercise by holding weights in the air, keeping their arms as straight as possible. They then step forward into a lunge and hold this position for several seconds, gradually increasing the length of time at which they can hold the pose. The people who perform this exercise are going to be toning their upper arms in the process. They’re also going to be toning their abdominal muscles, since they will be forced to use them for the sake of balance. People will also tone their leg muscles, given the nature of the pose. It’s an exercise that will make a person ready for the beach from every angle.


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