Tuesday 15 March 2016

7 Tips to Stick With Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals


7 Tips to Stick With Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals

Do you have a goal that you’ve been chasing for a while, but you haven’t been able to stick with it? Maybe you’ve been trying to hit a new PR at the half marathon. Or slim down to fit into that dream pair of jeans. Whatever your fitness or nutrition goal, these 7 tips will help you stick with your goals and finally achieve it!!

1. Be Clear On Your Goal

Start with a very clear picture of what you’re trying to achieve. What would it look like when you reach your goal? For some people, this is fitting into a certain pair of pants or dress. For others, it might be crossing the finish line of a half marathon with a new PR. Or it could be wearing a bathing suit with pride this summer to show off your hard work!


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