Wednesday 9 March 2016

10 Ways to Get Addicted to Exercise


10 Ways to Get Addicted to Exercise

I used to hate exercise. The idea of jogging or working out was anathema to me. Oh, sure, I’d do the occasional yoga class, or go swimming. But exercise was not a regular part of my life.

Fast forward to after my first child was born. No matter what I did, I could not lose the excess baby fat. I tried dieting — low carb and The 4 Hour Body — but nothing worked for me. I’d lose the weight but then I’d gain it right back.

Six years later, I finally decided to do something about the extra 30 pounds I was carrying. One day I was watching my daughter play and I realized that she is always moving. I was the opposite. I had started a business a year after she was born, and I became super sedentary. When you’re working 12+ hours a day, every day, sitting in front of the computer, it’s only natural that you start to pack on the pounds.


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