Sunday 13 March 2016

4 Rounds of Boxing Moves to Shed Pounds and Sculpt a Knockout Body


4 Rounds of Boxing Moves to Shed Pounds and Sculpt a Knockout Body

Boxing for women is really taking off. We’re picking up our gloves and to get fighting fit, but that’s not to say some of us aren’t intimidated by the idea of boxing.

The idea of bulky arms, monster muscles and nose bleeds is just wrong. Boxing is actually a brilliant way of sculpting and toning and that hulk-like muscle mass you’re worried about is just a figment of your imagination.

And myaybe you’re not the fighting type, but here are some facts that will get you in the ring: Boxing blasts up to 600 calories an hour while sculpting your arms, shoulders, core, and legs. And since nailing the punch sequences requires extreme focus, boxing is an excellent way to train your mind and body at once.


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