Thursday 10 March 2016

Protein Smoothie That Helps Reduce Belly Fat


Protein Smoothie That Helps Reduce Belly Fat

Ive been telling you how much I’m enjoying these protein smoothies.  Well, I really am!  That is why I have an entire Board on Pinterest of Protein Shakes/Smoothies.  If you haven’t checked it out, go there now and “FOLLOW” it.  I also have Boards for Healthy Recipes, Tasty Healthy Snacks, Workouts, and more.  To see them, click on My Pinterest Boards.  One of my new favorites is the SKINNY VANILLA LATTE SHAKE, um, can we say to die for?  You have to try it.

So far, one of my favorite strategies has been adding sliced almonds to the shakes.  Its gives them a nutty crunch thats to die!

I love being able to enjoy eating healthy.  Because if you can’t enjoy what you are eating, its really hard to stay on track and if you aren’t consistent with eating healthy its incredibly hard to see real changes


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